Noticed, You Have Been Missing a Lot of Work
Fans of the movie “Office Space” will recognize the title. If you have not seen the movie, here is the relevant clip. I mention it since I am a few weeks into retirement. I attended a happy hour for another colleague the first week I was not working. It was suggested that in week 1 I was still vacation mode and I would be missing work by week 3. I am now in my 4th week - most definitely not bored and I would have to say, “I would exactly say I have been missing it”.
Here’s what I am currently enjoying
- No need to “fit in” exercising, eating right, getting enough sleep.
- Having time to connect with old friends.
- A lack of “time pressure”. I enjoy lot’s of things, being “on deadline” is not one of them.
- More time to read.
- I could go on.
Here’s what I have realized
- For those that say, “it’s an adjustment” - of course it is. The same would be true of taking another job.
- Your job is what you structure your entire day around. Without a job, you do need something to structure your day.
- Purpose / A reason to get up - yep, you need that. Give that some time.
For anyone reading this - more later.